0102 | MRTG monitoring script for nginx

สร้างไฟล์ /root/bin/mrtg-nginx.pl ข้อมูลตามนี้

# $Revision: 2 $
# $Date: 2008-09-12 15:11:40 +0300 (Fri, 12 Sep 2008) $
my %opt = (
# http link to nginx stub_status, be sure turn on stub_status in nginx conf
    nginx_status   => 'http://localhost:80/status',
# path for program what may dump web page, normaly lynx -dump
#    lynx            => 'lynx -dump',
    lynx            => 'wget -q -Y off -O -',
$opt{var} = $ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0];
$opt{nginx_status} = $ARGV[1] if $ARGV[1] and $ARGV[1]=~/^http:\/\/\w+/;
$opt{var} ||= '';
my $do = `$opt{lynx} $opt{nginx_status}`;
if ($opt{var} eq 'req') {
    $do=~/^Active connections:\s*(\d+)\s*$/ms or warn "Error! Can't find data!\nIN :\n$do";
    $opt{d2} = $opt{d1} = $1;
elsif ($opt{var} eq 'con') {
    $do=~/^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/ms or warn "Error! Can't find data!\nIN :\n$do";
    $opt{d2} = $opt{d1} = $3;
#elsif { $do=~/^Reading:\s+(\d+).*Writing:\s+(\d+).*Waiting:\s+(\d+)/; }
else {
    $opt{var} = 'ERROR';
    $opt{d2} = $opt{d1} = 0;
    warn "Error! Please read the help and set (req|con)\n";
print "$opt{d1}\n";
print "$opt{d2}\n";
#print "$opt{up}\n" if $opt{up};
print "Nginx $opt{var}\n";

chmod a+x /root/bin/mrtg-nginx.pl

แล้วเอาไอ้นี่ไปใส่ใน nginx.conf ส่วนของ vhost นะครับ

location /status {
    stub_status on;
    access_log off;

แล้วก็… อันนี้เอาไปใส่ใน mrtg.cfg

Target[nginx.newconns]: `/root/bin/mrtg-nginx.pl con`
Title[nginx.newconns]: NGINX Connections
PageTop[nginx.newconns]: <H1>NGINX Connections</H1>
MaxBytes[nginx.newconns]: 10000000000
ShortLegend[nginx.newconns]: c/s
YLegend[nginx.newconns]: Conns / sec
LegendI[nginx.newconns]: In
Legend1[nginx.newconns]: New inbound connections
Options[nginx.newconns]: growright,nopercent
Target[nginx.requests]: `/root/bin/mrtg-nginx.pl req`
Title[nginx.requests]: NGINX Requests
PageTop[nginx.requests]: <H1>NGINX Requests</H1>
MaxBytes[nginx.requests]: 10000000000
ShortLegend[nginx.requests]: req
YLegend[nginx.requests]: Req
LegendI[nginx.requests]: In
Legend1[nginx.requests]: New inbound connections
Options[nginx.requests]: growright,nopercent,gauge

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